Public & Private Schools
Education is of the utmost importance to Iowa. Our children and what they learn is how we ensure a great future, so Jester Insurance Services takes special pride in providing insurance coverage to Iowa schools. We are committed to protecting those schools so that our kids’ health, safety and futures are in good hands.
Jester Insurance provides the property casualty coverage for more than 90% of the public schools in Iowa. That type of expertise means that we know every wrinkle and detail of what schools need to stay protected. We have relationships with school districts and AEAs across the state, and we understand that there are different needs for a rural elementary school in Hardin County and a high school in the Des Moines metro area.
Partner for Success
Jester partnered with EMC Companies in 1974 to provide the Safety Group Insurance Program for schools. Our program is fully insured and financially sound, providing comprehensive coverage that is specifically designed for Iowa schools. For your peace of mind, the Safety Group Program is backed by the Iowa Guarantee Fund, sponsored by the Iowa Association of School Boards and regulated by the Iowa Insurance Division.
The Safety Group Insurance Program provides schools with cost-effective and dependable coverage, returning over $96 million in dividends to Iowa schools since 1974. The program offers various deductible levels and coverage options, and provides schools with unlimited loss control services and safety programs at no additional cost.
Due to our success working with public schools, a separate Safety Group Insurance Program for accredited private schools was established in 1994. The creation of the private school program allowed us to extend the same coverage and benefits that public schools enjoy, to Iowa’s private schools.
We provide exemplary insurance for our schools the right way, partnering with the experts and offering coverage that works for each district.
Equipment Breakdown
To help public school districts manage their precious funds, Jester Insurance has partnered with Specialty Underwriters to offer a unique equipment breakdown insurance policy that allows schools to insure equipment costs that would otherwise be paid for with general fund dollars. Over 150 public schools currently purchase this extra equipment breakdown protection. Call for more information about this exciting product that allows districts to free up general fund dollars.

Teacher's Pet
We believe in insuring schools because it’s good business, but also because we believe in their value. Although we are experts in insurance, we never lose sight of what we are protecting. By keeping a school running and by helping a school recover after a disaster or unforeseen circumstance, we are helping a generation of Iowa kids grow into the leaders we need them to become.
Contact us.
Let us start protecting what you value. Call or contact us.