Jester provides is able to act as an independent third-party consultant, providing you with a comprehensive and unbiased review of your current insurance program on a fee basis. We can help you identify potential gaps in coverage, eliminate any unnecessary coverages, analyze deductible levels and ensure that your insurance program is cost-effective. Jester can provide you with a second opinion regarding the suitability of your current carriers and can also provide insurance that your premiums are in line with the marketplace.
If you plan to bid your insurance to multiple agents or carriers, Jester Insurance Services can manage the bid process for you. We can develop a uniform Request for Proposal document on your behalf, answer respondents’ questions, evaluate the final proposals and provide you with a recommended course of aaction. This service puts a significant level of insurance expertise in your corner, gives you peace of mind about the process, and frees up your valuable time so that you can concentrate on running your business.

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